Bottled water runs my life. Being a tennis player i go through nearly 6 bottles of water or Powerade every single day, whether it be during a match or practice. Although i should, i never really think about "being green", but i do occasionally refill my bottles with the water from the water fountain. (Even though it tastes like iron) In Max's post he discusses the very controversial topic of the use of bottled water. He found two articles; one in favor or bottled water, and one against it. The article for bottled water discusses how tap water doesn't taste as good as tap water and how tap water could be contaminated. Coming from the suburbs of Chicago, our city officials like to tell us that our tap water is pure enough to drink is among the best tap water in the country. I still don't buy it though. My family has an entire outside refrigerator designated to plastic bottled beverages.
His second article discusses how bottled water is of bad value, creates excess garbage, and is no healthier than tap water. All of these statements are clearly backed by facts, but for some reason this article does not make me want to cut bottled water out of my life. Max does a great job of offering an alternative however. The idea of the reusable water bottle should be more active in this debate. After looking deeper into this subject what was more amusing to me was how many bottled water companies are "Green Washing" their labels. I don't know who they are trying to fool; bottled water will never be good for the environment. ever.