Not only was this blog entertaining but it was controversial at the same time.I decided to respond to a post by Mike Sorenson discussing Tiger Woods' endorsement of Nike Golf. All of Tiger Wood's endorsers are put in a very interesting potion right now due to all of the controversy that is surrounding him. He is making headlines for himself for all of the wrong reasons which is putting his many endorsers in a very sticky situation. Do they keep Woods signed as being the face of their company? Or do they drop him? Does Nike really want to be perceived as accepting people who have affairs with multiple women?
After reading Mike's post i was found rather shocked. Although Tiger Woods is hands down the best golfer in the world, in no point in this post was his recent controversy brought up. Up until now Tiger had been a role model for almost any athlete. He seemed composed, professional, and determined which are all qualities that made him a perfect spokes person. Yes, Woods has made millions of dollars for a company such a Nike, but is this trend going to continue? Mike says, "Nike golf would be nothing without Tiger." I would have to disagree. Tiger has indeed made Nike Golf what it is today, but due to his mistakes i feel as though Tiger is actually hurting Nike Golf by representing their company. It is going to take a while to clear his reputation, but for now he is not someone that should be the face of a company.
Yes, his ads and commercials may be catchy but after all he has done i find it very hard to look at him the same way. I think it is foolish to say that Nike won't drop Tiger any time soon, because one of Tiger's other major endorsers, Gillette and Gatorade, dropped him immediately after the controversy. As Mike clearly focused on Wood's financial contributions to Nike, it would be interesting to see the numbers following the incident.
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