Let me just start off my saying that watching yourself on camera is one of the most awkward things in the world. I have become very accustomed to going over tapes of myself playing tennis; but watching myself give a speech is in a whole new ball game. As speech giving isn't necessarily my forte, i have obvious areas of improvement; but i have to say in general i wasn't half bad. The content of my speech was very informative and easy to follow. I clearly explained what the forehand is along with some very key concepts that one needs to know about the sport of tennis.
The physical presentation of the speech is where i need a little help. I tend to move around a lot; and my hands can't seem to stay still. The volume and enthusiasm of the speech was very good, considering i had lost my voice. I also seem to have a lot of energy when i am up there. (I don't know whether that is a good or bad thing) I could have looked up a little more, but in general i think i did a decent job of making eye contact with the audience. You could clearly tell i was nervous up there which is something i need to work on. Standing in one position the entire time and being confident is key. The speech picked up when i started to actually explain the steps to hit the forehand. I seemed more confident and used my visual aid (tennis racket) effectively. My racket did a great job of being my visual aid.
I would definitely choose to do a speech on my topic again. This would help me be a better coach for tennis when speaking in front of large groups, and there are many little things i could have added and changed to my speech. If i was to do it again i would go through common mistakes people tend to have while hitting the forehand. Also i would try and look more confident and relaxed while speaking. Wearing something more flattering might help too. Take a look and see for yourself.
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